
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Disco Spelling Test

On the way to work and school this morning, I popped in a 70s CD from the year of my birth.  The first song immediately took me back a few years to an afternoon at the kitchen table.  Homework help.

Noah was learning to spell the days of the week and "Saturday" was stumping him.  For whatever reason, he'd always leave a letter out or add an incorrect ABC.  It frustrated him because as much as we'd study, he'd get it wrong every time.  Then I remembered this song. 

The next afternoon I surprised him with a boombox waiting on the table.  Fresh off the bus and into the house, I hit play.  S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!  S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! I was foot stomping and singing along, and though he was half shocked, half giggling, he soon joined me.  S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!  S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!

And that's all it took.  Without realizing it, he memorized the word.  Each time we'd go through the list, he'd perk up instead of pout when I'd recite "Saturday" and sing it back to me.  It was the first spelling test he actually couldn't wait to take.  We joked that he might get in trouble during it because he was likely to belt out the song in the middle of testing. 

He, of course, aced the test and to this day remembers that song connection to the word.  Remembering a bit of his childhood and mine with one peppy tune was a fun way to start the morning.  He left the truck with song in his head and smile on his face and that always makes for a good day -for him and Mom.

For those of you who have been humming along since reading this post......EnJOY!
And yes, I realize I'm telling my age with this.

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