
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Never Stop Learning

My 40s have been a joyous place.  There is contentment in my soul but also this longing to be and do.  I'm happy with who I am but have an awareness I can accomplish and learn more.

Fears and worries have been replaced with a hunger and willingness to try new things.  Perhaps the awareness that I'm getting older spurs this on.  Maybe it is the knowledge from four decades prior.  Whatever it is, I adore these fabulous 40s.  And I've only just begun!

This weekend I checked two more items off my bucket list.  One has been a dream for some time, the other something I didn't even know I wanted but was glad for the experience.

When I started college, I was newly married and had a baby on my hip.  While it was a goal I was determined to conquer, it was slightly adjusted.  Having these lovely responsibilities meant I needed to join the workforce sooner than later.  As such, I opted for a smaller degree that opened doors for me to begin my career while attending school.  Looking back, I'm not sure how I handled those hours or demands with a new family but I did.  And though my Associate's is not esteemed, or even looked at as an achievement by some, I am proud of it - and myself. 

But I've always longed to go back.  Life, work and other excuses have seemed to intervene over the years pushing the dream further away.  This summer, I was given an opportunity to test the waters, so to speak.  Through a community grant, I enrolled in an online program for Virtual Assistants.  Years ago I enjoyed working from home and thought the skill set might be nice for the future.  Thursday I picked up my diploma.  Being completely online, it helped me gauge juggling coursework and life.  I learned my brain doesn't test as it did in my teens and twenties!  But I'm pleased with my overall completion. 

Saturday I spent the day on a soggy farm with my sweetie driving, of all things, a tractor. 

When he texted me the night before asking if I wanted to work, I sent a reply verifying he was talking to his wife.  Sometimes he texts me when he intends to message Noah, or vice versa.  And this sounded more like a Noah job.  Though at the time I wasn't sure what I'd be doing, I said yes.  It is his birthday weekend and no matter what we do, I enjoy time with him.

Waking early in the morning, he tells me to dress in clothes I don't care about and to plan on getting wet.  Though I love the outdoors, I am not a fan of getting dirty.  Or heavy physical labor.  So, I went into the day with a few doubts and maybe even some negativity. 

After learning I'd be driving a tractor, I laughed.  Maybe out loud. 

This girl may have grown up on a farm but a cowgirl, I am not!  I wasn't even sure I could get up onto a tractor, much less know how to operate it.  My hubby, ever my fan and cheerleader, reminds me I was one of the best pump operators he knew (back in my brief ventures with firefighting) so I decided to give it a try.  He promised it was the easiest job of the day.

It was a bit scary at first, especially when I had to navigate inside a house or make u-turns in wet ditches but I'm so glad I tried!  Though it wasn't exactly how I envisioned we'd spend our Saturday, it was memorable and fun. 

What's on your list to learn?  

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