Friday, September 16, 2016

See Inside!

What a blessing it is to be on the road this time of year.  Actually, most days I enjoy that my desk has a windshield.  But late summer/early fall in Kentucky is just fabulous.

Blues skies, amber rows of farmland, and the slightest hint of changing leaves.
Be still, my soul...

Even though my travels are among the same winding roads each week, I am continually joyed at finding new views, hidden gems along the way I've missed before.

Yesterday, although I was in a bit of hurry to get back in time for a training, a sign caught my eye.  Lately, I've been interested at the number of homes for sale.  I always wonder what the story is, as to why they are selling and the life lived among those walls.

The sign on the road was an obvious real estate notice but the wording was what grabbed me.

"I'm beautiful on the inside!"

Chuckling out loud, God nudged me and inspiration rose for this post.

The home wasn't a show-stopper.  I've driven past it more times than I could count the past few years and never paid it much attention.  Yet the sign made me want to stop and explore more.

I pondered how often I feel overlooked or insecure because of my outside.  My self-doubt often causes me to retreat or feel uncomfortable in gatherings.

If someone does glance my way, I will their eyes away, at the same time mentally panicking on how many things about me they could be scrutinizing.  I'm overweight, scarred and misshapen, thanks to injuries and auto-immune issues.  If I catch someone looking at me, I feel they are focused on my crooked face, scars, lumpy, deformed knee or any of the other areas that cause me to lack confidence.

Or, when I'm hoping to be noticed or chosen, I assume my appearance will be the reason they don't.  While internally, I may be screaming but I'm beautiful on the inside!

And I don't care if you are a size 0 or in double digits, I would guess there are far more women who have these feelings than not.  In a society focused on appearance, we so desperately just want to be noticed and known for who we are at the core.

How different might our interactions be, if we complimented the inside, opposed to the outer shell?

You exude kindness.  
Your laugh makes me smile.  
What a generous heart you have.  
How creative you are.
Your faith inspires me.

And how sad it is, we often don't stop to take the time to get to know someone better and see the inside.  

My prayer is that I start by seeing myself as God sees me, worthy and beautiful, and that I take the time to see others with His eyes too.

People judge by what is on the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart.  1 Sam 16:7


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