Monday, January 10, 2011

Love Notes

For as long as I can remember, I've hidden notes for my family to find.  Sometimes it is a "You're terrific" or "good luck" note in a lunch box.  Sometimes an "I love you" in their coat pocket.  Maybe it was at a time I knew they needed an extra boost...a little love in their day.  Those notes were out of the blue, unexpected, and anytime I sneak one in, I hoped it brought a smile to their face and a hug to their heart. 

Always expected are hidden notes whenever I travel.  Initially, I hid them hoping that they'd come across notes throughout the time I'd be gone.  I wanted them to be mini surprises to last while I was away.  Noah never could wait though.  He'd go on an "Easter egg" hunt as soon as he arrived home, making it his mission to find every single one.  When I'd call him the first evening, he'd proudly report on his discoveries.

My last trip was unexpected and I found myself packing at the last moment.  I also had to leave out early morning, as I dropped Noah off for school, so I didn't have time to do as much as normal.  Instead, I just made a banner and taped it across his bed, knowing he'd see it when he arrived home that afternoon.  I did have to warn him not to tear the house apart looking for other notes, expecting he'd already searched some of the normal hiding spots.  He was still tickled with the banner and thanked me for it.  I thought nothing more about the notes.

When I finally made it home Friday night, it was too late to return the rental.  I figured he'd be excited to see it so I called him upon pulling into the driveway.  (I also hoped he'd help me carry everything in!)  Instead, he never came out and being that it was spitting snow and freezing, I came on in.  As I lugged the suitcase up the steps and entered the dining room, I turned to see a bright orange note.

It said:  "I am glad you are home! I Love You, Noah"  Go ------>
Moving into the kitchen: "I missed you, I love you!"  Go ------>
In the living room:  "Dad missed you too, I love you, Noah"  Go ------>
The hall: "Patch missed you too.  I love you, Noah"  Go -------->
Noah's bedroom:  "I Love You!"
Closet door:  "turn around"
And there was my sweet little man, arms open, and ready to squeeze the breath out of me.

In all my years of leaving notes for them, this was the first scavenger note hunt I can ever remember being left for me.  It was a complete surprise and brought me so much joy.  In fact, I've left the notes up, as I see them in my typical path of walking through the house and they bring a smile to my face each and every time.


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