Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's Christmas when...

What signals the start of the Christmas season to you?

Putting up the tree?  Lighting the first Advent candle?  Decorating the house?  Baking cookies?  Hearing the first carol on the radio?  When your holiday vacation begins?  Snowflakes.?

Mine may seem strange, but it's almost Christmas when...I watch "Meet me in St Louis" on tv.

You can imagine my excitement when I noticed it recording last night.  Every November, I set it to auto record, never knowing exactly when they'll show it.  I keep telling myself to just go find it and buy it, but I haven't yet.  To me, part of the magic is the surprise of seeing it in my queue.

The family was startled when, remote in hand, I squealed with delight at the holiday find.  They did not share my jolly spirit, much like they do not share my love for old movies.  Tim will watch -and actually does enjoy many "old" shows- but if it's black and white or appears aged, the kids put on the brakes.

Last year, I began discovering Christmas Classics - all those movies I'd heard of, maybe seen a clip or two, but never truly watched, and I made it my mission to do so.  (You'll have to share your favorites with me below.)  But "Meet Me" wasn't part of that, because it has been a treasured favorite for a few years now.

One Christmas break, donning PJ's and beside a roaring fire, I happened upon the movie.  Not yet a full fan of the classics, I was hesitant, but seeing a familiar beautiful face from another favorite, The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland sparked my interest.  One song in and I was hooked.

Taking place in early 1900s, for whatever reason, it reminded me of my Grandpa McGuffin.  The setting, scenes, clothing and music just reminded me of him and made we wonder if his young adulthood was anything similar.  Many of the songs were the same ones he'd sung to me as a child, some of which I'd imagined he just made up, until hearing them on the big screen. 

"Meet Me" isn't even truly a Christmas movie, just having a few scenes that take place during the holiday season, but it will forever be on my favorites list.  And, I'm eager to slip into some PJs with a steamy cup of cocoa and enJOY it very soon!


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