Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 3: sneaking off on a Sunday

I'm sliding into home plate with nary a moment to spare but I'm here. Reporting live for today's dose of joy!

Please excuse any misspellings and other grammatical errors, as this is the first post I've done on an iPad. It's different typing a post and not hearing the click of the keyboard. Instead I feel like I'm texting an old friend.

My joy began today celebrating Independence eve in the place where freedom means the most to me, at our church.  Thinking about what it means to be free takes a whole different perspective when you're pondering on eternity. It left me weepy, grateful, and reflective on how fortunate we are to be Americans, but most of all thankful for the freedoms that come with being a follower of Jesus.

We are blessed to have multiple services so we opted for an early one to make the most of the day. Tim is traveling again for work this week but the extended holiday break allowed for Noah and I to sneak off with him. We've crashed in a big comfy bed, swam, ate popcorn and too many meatballs, and took In a movie.  Keeping with the festive occasion, we saw Independence Day.

One of the best joys came from pool time with my teen. We lounged in the hot tub and floated in the pool, enjoying it almost all to ourselves. Aside from relaxing in the water, what I loved most was our conversation. A bulk of it was about food and his passion to travel the world.

I love seeing the spark in his eyes as he talks of what he loves. His whole face lights up and you can see his excite to spill over. How I hope his dreams are fulfilled.

I'll keep it short and sweet since the hour draws late, the hotel wifi isn't playing nice and because I could really use a nap before midnight waffles. More to share tomorrow I'm sure!


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