Monday, December 11, 2017

Speak Kindness

A tongue has no bones but it has the power to break a heart.

I've been appalled lately at how cruel people can be.  Maybe it is ignorance, perhaps they are just rude; but truly, I think most don't realize how hurtful their words are.  At least I'd hope that about adults.

As someone who has been on the receiving end of hurtful words throughout my lifetime, I guess I'm more empathetic or in tune to another's pain.

I've struggled with weight my entire life and some phrases have stuck with me even back from childhood.

"You could be such a pretty girl."
                                                       "lead butt"
              "It's way too big on me maybe you can squeeze in it"
    "Are you sure you can fit in that size?"

So, I know how much words can sting and settle in the soul.

It's especially upsetting though when someone makes fun of something outside of one's control, like a disability.  Someone near and dear to me seems to be attacked as of late for a condition they were born with that worsens with age.  In the past month, I can recall multiple instances where different people made snide or hurtful comments to poke fun of or question their ability.

One this weekend was even more shocking considering the person who commented also has someone in their family with an impairment.

I simply do not understand.  

It breaks my heart each time I see or hear about it happening.  In reflection, I believe people just don't think before they speak.    But they should.

I'm not sure there is anyone who could say they've never been hurt by words.  If everyone would dwell on that feeling and remember it before they said something maybe it could make a difference.  If by chance you stick your foot in your mouth unexpectedly, apologize.  And mean it.

The world could do with a lot more kindness these days...

Here are a few helpful tips from mindbodygreen to speak with love and kindness.
1. Before you speak, THINK. Always ask yourself: Is this True. Is this Helpful? Is this Inspiring? Is this Necessary? Is it Kind?
2. Stop complaining. Complaining has no use. When people experience a problem they seem to complain to everyone other than the person who can resolve the issue. Rather than complain, try to calm down and then go directly to the person who can improve your situation.
3. Don’t mix bad words with bad moods. We have all said something that we regret. This is why you should not mix bad moods with bad words. You can transform your mood but you can’t take back words.
4. Go out of your way to be kind. Always be kind and be polite. It makes you feel good and others feel good as well - it’s as simple as that.
5. Speak only words you wish to have engraved above the doorway to your future. The words you speak reflect who you are. We are not only a result of our thoughts but also of our words and actions.
Sending you love, joy and kindness this season...


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