Monday, January 1, 2018

One Word 2018

The past several years I've chosen a #oneword to focus on for the year instead of a resolution.  With resolutions, at least for me, they tend to fall away after the first month.  One word has a way of seeping in and settling among you throughout the year.  Even when I forget my one word (and I do) it never fails to remind me - usually when I need to hear it most.

Rather than choosing a word randomly or the first that comes to mind, I tend to dwell and pray on it over the last week of the year. Sometimes I'll be torn or worried the #oneword won't arrive in time but it always does.  This year it came quickly, was confirmed immediately, and just for good measure, God sprinkled it in the message I would hear New Year's Eve morning.

Being so certain about the #oneword that will guide 2018 has me brimming with excitement, yet also anxious for all that could be in store. 

I look forward to the final week of December all year long.  It is my time to disconnect and recharge, to soak up moments with family, and to savor the season. 

Though I've always been fortunate to have a job that closes for the holidays, I do have to save vacation days for the time off - because bills don't stop come January.

When the flu hit me right after Christmas, I saw those days go up in smoke.  All the plans I had were suddenly turned upside down and I had a bit of a pity party for myself.  Being that it is Noah's last official year as a "kid" for the holiday added to the sting of missed opportunities and memories we didn't get to share.

After three solid days living in my recliner, I realized maybe God's plan was for me to deeply rest and recharge. 

Instead of using the time to rest in Him though, I whined when I didn't have the energy to complete tasks and tested my family's patience.  Rather than using those days to soak up His word, I let it slip by and missed the full meaning of this season.

I read my Bible daily but somehow when I had the most time I failed to give Him any.

Saturday was my come-to-Jesus moment and I came out with a clear focus on where I have failed Him and others in the past.  And thus, revealed my #oneword for 2018.

Unless I truly invest, I won't get the full value of anything.
If it's important to me, it deserves my best.  My all.
100% invested.

For 2018, I want to be invested...

in my Relationships
-with God, my marriage, motherhood, family, and friendships

In my Health
-this year sparked a change and I want to see it to fruition

In my Passions
-dreams can no longer be dusty from sitting unrealized

In my Priorities
-does it make a difference? bring me joy and Him glory?

In my Future
-and remember investments sometimes take years to reap rewards

In Service to Others
-if I'm deeply invested in each day, help me notice those with the greatest needs

If it is worthy of my time, I want to honor it fully. 
I'll dig deeper into each of these in future posts.

Less Projects, More Focus
Less Tech, More Personal
Less Scattered, More Strategic

Infuse, Devote, Provide, Endow, Plunge, Entrust

What's your #oneword for the year?  I'd love to hear from you!


Unknown said...


Over the past few years, a tornado has crashed time and again in our lives. God has kept us afloat in the storm, but sadly, I accepted that refuge without providing His love and comfort to others. As once I let God’s Love flow freely, I have selfishly wrapped up myself.

Each month I have a scripture focus to guide me in some aspect of love. It can be shown in so many forms!

January. Listen without interrupting. Proverbs 18

So excited for God to use me to show His love to others. ��

joyfulchallenge said...

Sweet friend, you are anything but selfish and I feel love whenever you are present. But I love your focus and having a scripture/plan each month. A sure sign you're going to see and share lots of love this year!

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