Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Supportive Spouse

I've never doubted that God brought Tim into my life for a purpose.  Much like our feet connect in just the right spot while sleeping, we fit together.  Where I lack a skill, he possesses it and where he needs strength in an area, I have it.  We are a puzzle of two pieces.

Yet, just because I know he has gifts that I may not, it doesn't excuse me from wanting to do and be better.  Very often, his strength in an area helps me see where I need to up my game.  Or rather, it helps convict me of something I should work to improve.

Previous posts have shared his selflessness.  It's perhaps one of my favorite and most admired traits of Tim.  Recently, in dealing with the news of my tick disease diagnosis, I've realized how little he complains.  Or maybe how much I do.

Sometimes I don't think of it as a complaint, just conversation.  But it dawned on me the other day, as he caught the brunt of my venting, he rarely does this with me. 

Now, I can tell by a quick glance how he's feeling, even if he doesn't share.  For the past week, he's had a kink in his neck but has not muttered one negative word about it.  Catching him readjust or grimacing silently, without asking, I'll begin applying oils to help ease his pain.  And if I feel something is emotionally bothering him, I'll bug him enough that he'll either share or get aggravated by the multiple questions.

I, on the other hand, give a detailed listing of anything bothering me at any given moment.  At least to Tim.  He really never has to guess about how I'm feeling -unless he's made me mad and I am giving him the silent treatment!

Saturday he planned a date night, sensing I needed some pampering from my stressful week.  It wasn't anything elaborate but quality time always fills my love tank.  After an evening of seafood and shoe shopping, I was one joyful girl. 

And though I may not always show it or thank him for the many ways he shows me he cares, I do count my blessings daily for God giving me this man.

When I come home to an empty sink or laundry basket.  As a text comes through with a sweet note from him, just because.  When he comes up behind me with a hug and a kiss.  Because he stops on the side of the road to pick my favorite flower.  When he listens to my grumbling without saying a word or even a sigh.  On the weekends, as he fixes my coffee first.  Every time he rubs my feet, willingly and lovingly.  As I go to bed to find it neatly made before he left for work. 

And a dozen other simple ways he says "I love you" every single day.  I am truly grateful to have him in my life!


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