Friday, February 22, 2013

Faithful Friday: Spring Cleaning

Today is a vacation day for me, but I'm not traveling anywhere.  In fact, one might be surprised how I've spent the morning.

Though I did leisurely enjoy several cups of coffee and am still in my pjs, the bulk of my day off so far has involved some deep cleaning.  A mixture of being behind from not feeling well and having spring fever has set me off today on a mission. 

This morning, while making said coffee, a smile soon erupted on my face.  Tiny little buds were waving hello to me from my kitchen window.  Our pear trees are shaking off their winter coats!  And I'm seeing other signs of my favorite season, from tweeting birds to sprouting green shoots in my flower beds, spring is around the corner.

Something about that knowledge, just adds a little spring to my step and makes me want to get my house in order.  Sadly, this also means saying goodbye to my chubby little snowmen.  They've hung around my kitchen and dining room since Christmas but it is time for them to fly away before the sun melts them.

Obviously I'm on a break, as I'm writing this post, but soon I'll get back to it.  There's an air of accomplishment, a refreshing quality to a clean house.  While I sometimes moan about the need to do it, I always feel better after it is done.  Later today, when my hubby comes home, I'll know he'll join me in soaking up the comfort and freshness of my work.  It's also an added bonus that I expect it to stay this way much longer than normal, provided the kids are away on a youth retreat with church!

Just like we can spring clean our homes, we can also dust the cobwebs from our lives.  What have you swept under your mental or emotional rugs lately?  As it continues to pile up, we can easily get tripped on what we've failed to deal with.  Has your relationship with God gathered dust?  No matter the dirt or baggage, God welcomes us always.  Maybe this weekend can spur you to cleaning up something internally, which always brings more joy.  Praying a renewed and refreshed spirit to each of you, friends!

Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10


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