Friday, February 15, 2013

Faithful Friday: All you need is LOVE

Even though it is post-Valentine's, I couldn't resist writing about one of my other favorite topics - LOVE; because, of course, you can't have JOY without it.

At least the sweetheart day started and ended well.  I can't say much for the middle.  But, as I always try to do, I'll focus on the positive...

The morning began with a sweet treat for the family - breakfast!  We don't normally have breakfast on school mornings, at least a sit down together moment, because it's too crazy busy.  To show my family some love though I opted to set my alarm clock before the sun rose and actually cook a yummy breakfast for us to enjoy.  That meant I also had to wake them up a little early, but the scent of coffee, french toast and sausage was enough to pull them out of their warm beds.  Sitting around the table together was actually a wonderful way to start our day.

We ended the day in the same way, though a little lazier, comfy on the couch with a big decadent plate of pasta and some tv time.  Prepping the meal was made even better by Noah joining me in the kitchen doing his homework on a bar stool while I cooked.  It reminded me of sweet grade school days where homework time was a daily occurrence.  (heart sigh)  And just as we were about to devour surprise cupcakes I'd hidden, one of my favorite littles came through the door.  My niece Bryanna (and her momma) came bearing annual gifts from my mom.  A ball of energy, she rolled and wrestled on the floor with Noah, a princess and a giant, as our night was iced with giggles.

And the middle?....I'll just say it was less desirable and it made coming home to my family all the more easy to love.  Isn't that always the truth?  Family is what grounds us.  No matter what we face, we know they'll be there to accept us, support us, and love us.

Just like Jesus.  Even if you aren't blessed with a family to come home to, He is always there.  Even when we don't deserve it, even when we let him down, He's always there with open arms ready to love us through it.  And that's the best Valentine's gift I could ever receive!

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,  made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. - Ephesians 2:4-5

Grace. JOY. & Love to you, friends!



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