Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sweet Stalkers

Share my soul over a cup of coffee?  Probably not.  Share my life's story in written form?  Absolutely.  It's always been easiest for me to communicate in writing, so posting to a blog was a natural progression.  As I've mentioned before in a previous posts, starting this blog was initially selfish.  It was a transition from the memorial blog I started for Austin.  I needed something to drive and push me daily to seek joy, when my life was surrounded by complete sadness.

It's been a little over a year and what this blog has brought me has been beyond my expectations.  Aside from the healing aspects - and I do believe challenging myself to write and recognize the joy in every day, has done just that, I've gained so much more.  This blog has given me a new purpose; it has opened my mind to accepting growth from life's challenges.  It's connected me to Austin in a deeper way than I could've imagined and I know with each post he is smiling down on me.

But the sweetest surprise?  My readers.  ...YOU!  What I wasn't prepared for was the outpouring of support that you have given me.  I never in my wildest dreams thought readers from all points of the Earth would find their way to this little blog.  And for those of you regular visitors, my heart is touched.  That you would find inspiration, encouragement, and JOY by reading, means more to me than words can express.  Some of you openly "stalk" me...and I love you for it!  Some of you are sneaky.  I've received anonymous cards, concert tickets, and other trinkets along the way.  This morning, I found a coffee cup with the word "JOY" etched across it filled with peanut M&Ms.  How special for those of you who go out of your way to bring me added joy! 

Just knowing that someone out there looks forward to the posts as much I do, is the biggest dose of JOY one could receive.  Thank you!  I'm sending each of my special readers one giant virtual hug.  May your days be filled with more joy than you can handle!


Anonymous said...

Hugging you right back!
~Michelle Heil

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