Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Comfy Routines

Ever had one of those days?  ...when the day just zaps you out? 
Today was one of those for me, as by the time the afternoon arrived, I was already tired and ready for bed.

Nothing bad happened at work and it wasn't unusually stressful, just busy, and there didn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything on my "to do" list done.  Now, that's rarely ever the case where I work, and I'm used to leaving as big of a To Do list as when I arrived, but today just seemed to drain me.  The rainy weather and gloominess of the day probably just added to my sluggy mood.  This time of year, with the chilly dark mornings and quickly fading light in the evenings, it's easy to want to just curl up and withdraw from the world.

On the drive home I was mentally and physically spent and it is on days like this I'm grateful for the commute I have.  I've always tried to decompress before coming home so that I don't bring in the stress or chaos of the day to my family.  Good ole' KLOVE helped perk me up and set my mood, reminding me that this "life" is so much more than the day to day.  It always amazes me how God uses that station to send just the right messages to us when we need to hear them most.

One of the first things I do when I arrive home, after the hugs and kisses, is change into pjs.  It's somewhat of a mental thing, casting off the clothes of the day and leaving any worries and thoughts in the hamper.  It also helps that I love, love, love me some pajamas.  If you've ever read one of my blogs, it doesn't take you long to realize the mini obsession I have with jammies!  Now that the evenings are so much cooler, I find the pajamas are even more comforting.  In addition, having my little guy start a fire to warm up the living room, just seems to set the mood for a peaceful night at home.

It may seem like such simple routines, listening to uplifting music, wearing pjs, and sitting by the fire...but all of those add up to a pretty awesome night for me.  Simple, sweet joys.  Thankful moments.  One good night.


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