Thursday, September 23, 2010

Goodnight, Moon

The moon last night was breathtakingly beautiful. It glowed bigger and brighter, calling us onto the deck. It was past our bedtime but I'm so glad we took the time to go out and enjoy it.

The night was still and quiet, as if all God's creatures were mesmerized as well by the alluring glow of the moon. The air was cool, a welcome relief from the heat the day had brought. The grass, trees and everything around were illuminated by a soft light, as if lamps and candles were placed outside to greet us. The luminescence was warm and welcoming and we were grateful for our special invitation.

Last night, according to the news, was a true harvest moon. The first full moon on the first night of Autumn and it apparently hasn't happened for 20-some-odd years. As well, Jupiter was visible just below the moon. This won't happen again until 2022. To the naked eye, it just looked like an extra bright star. Knowing though, it was stunning. I tried to capture it in a photo but my lack of expertise and cheap camera couldn't begin to do it justice. (I encourage you to read my sweet friend Tracy's blog though, Her talents were successful - as always!)

As we all three stood there, holding hands on the deck, looking up to splendid moon, I felt an amazing connection. When I'm surrounded by such magnificent beauty, I'm reminded of how small we are in this big world. I felt blessed to witness a tiny portion of that beauty and glory last night. It was especially touching when I know there so much more out there I can't yet see but my heart feels and believes is somewhere above and beyond me.


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